Wednesday, July 7, 2010

All Finished!

All finished!!!!I just have to put some footing in the shelter and it is all ready to use!!!!! I have taped it off from the horses for now. I am very excited to start using it!!!
I was saddling up Sam on Monday for a ride but he and Gull decided that a spot of grooming was in order first.
When I finally got Sam back we headed off down a new track - at the end there are alpacas, a huge pig, barking dogs that race up and down the fence line. I just rode Sam in a halter, I am feeling that I have just as much control with a halter as a bridle these days. I was ready for fireworks but once again Sam handled everything with such grace. I hoped off to lead him past all of this but he was too concerned with the two horses that raced up to the fence for a chat! Alpacas no problem. Happy to munch on the green grass while we have a look at them. Dogs no problem, the pig wasn't anywhere to be seen. I was so proud on him!
This is starting out looking down the lane way. This runs alongside our house.

I let Wilbur out in the mornings on his harness to have a bit of out door time before I go to work. The other morning I found him basking in the sun.....


Unknown said...

Yay! That is great news! I continue to be so impressed by your very own farm. Maybe someday I'll have one of my own.... Great pic of Wilbur!

Anonymous said...

Shelter looks great! I love your cat - he looks almost exactly like one of our barn kitties, Night.

Wolfie said...

Looks fantastic!