Sunday, September 13, 2009

Every day is getting better

Every day Sam seems to be getting better and better. This morning I moved him too his new paddock which he seemed to like. He had a good canter around, buck, jump, roll and then chatted to the yearling over the fence. His lumps are just about gone. I want to try and figure out what caused it but I am scared to do that as well!!!!!!

I took him out for a pick this afternoon for about an hour. He didn't lift his head once just munched away. He has even put weight back on I noticed this afternoon. He had a really good drink yesterday and I hope he did the same today. I might try and get the automatic waterer turned off so I can monitor it for a few days.

I put him back in the paddock while I went too get his dinner. He had wandered back up the back so I called him - he cantered down with a whinny which was great to see.

We move into our house on Wednesday so I am hoping to ride him next weekend. I will try and get a chiropractor out this week to give him a once over.

His tail is healing really well - it must be starting to get a bit itchy because he really enjoys it now when I clean it in the afternoons. He likes me scrubbing the scabs away. I am guessing that is a good sign. I hope to be able to rug him properly soon as we are forcasted to get some rain this week and that will make it really cold for him.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad everything is improving. You're right to have the chiropractor out after that long a trailer ride - he'll surely appreciate it. Good luck with your move!