Once things were cleaned the injuries were a little more serious than I first thought. They are still all superficial but I cleaned them up, dressed them and bandaged him up for the night.
After I cleaned it all up
This morning everything didn't look too bad except that he had rolled through the night. One of the bandages had slipped down a little so part of the wound got pretty dirty. I took the bandages off, cleaned everything up. Took his temperature and that was normal. My neighbour popped in to have a look and we thought it may be better to let it all dry so I sprayed it with Lotagen, put a clean rug on him and turned him out to graze. What did Sam do, went and found the dirtiest spot and ROLLED!!!!! How ungrateful! So I bought him back in, cleaned everything up again and sprayed it all again.This morning
This afternoon when Scott gets home I will give him a shot on Penicillin. I'll probably give this to him for three days, just to make sure. At least he isn't sore, I have watched him have a trot around the paddock, he is still annoying Poppy and seems pretty happy.Silly ponies!
Not too bad, considering - wonder what caused him to jump out?
Silly ponies is right. Poor guy. I hope he learned his lesson.
Ouch! Those hock injuries aren't pretty. But, yes, considering the fact that horses are walking suicide machines, they're really not too bad. Yep, the grass really is always greener on the other side of the fence. ;-)
Glad Sam is ok, despite his escape attempts. Silly boy.
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